根據美國UL的標準,火警分為ABC三類: According to USA UL standard, fires are classified into 3 types:
A類火警: 由木材、紙張、棉、布、塑膠等所引起的火警為A類火警。
Class A Fires: involve common combustibles such as wood, paper, cloth, rubber, trash and plastics.
Class A fires They are common in typical commercial and home settings.
B 類火警: 由易燃液體 、易燃氣體、固體油脂等易燃物品所引起的火警為 B 類火警.
Class B Fires: involve flammable liquids, solvents, oil, gasoline, paints, lacquers and other oil-based products.
Class B fires often spread rapidly. Unless they are properly suppressed,
they can re-flash after the flames have been extinguished.
C 類火警: 由通電中的電器裝設及機械所引起的火警為 C 類火警.
Class C fires: involve energized electrical equipment such as wiring, controls, motors, machinery or appliances.
Class C fires can be caused by a spark, a power surge, or a short circuit and typically occur in locations
that may be difficult to see or reach.
- 乾粉式滅火筒可撲滅A、B、C 類火警,是您的首選。 For protection against ALL COMMON CLASSES OF FIRES, choose A B C type extinguisher - Powder type
- 使用不合適的滅火筒,可能適得其反。請於購買前先查詢專業意見。 Using a wrong extinguisher on a fire could do more harm than good. Be sure you understand which extinguisher is appropriate for which class of fire.
- 滅火筒上的標誌,指示該型號可撲滅的類別。The use code symbols on the extinguisher's label shows the class or classes of fire that the extinguisher designed to fight.